



/ Fantasy furniture /
[ Stool ]


The brief was to create a fantasy piece of furniture inviting the user to reflect wether pastry food process could be apply to design.

In my mind, the word  ' fantasy '  means letting go of one’s body and mind - a moment when all five senses operate together and the spirit can wander freely.


' La gourmandise s’offre d’abord au regard, sa forme et son aspect visuel suggère le goût, elle est l’essence même du beau et du bon. '

Transl :  ‘ You first discover tastiness through your sight - its shape, its visual aspect suggest its flavour. The essence itself of beauty and taste.’ 

Gisèle Harrus- Révidi
Essais Payot (1994)

I tried to translate this emotion by a tasty-looking piece of furniture. Going through a culinary process to elaborate the stool -and therefore a non typical experience- the aim is to visually capture different aromas.
By studying recipes and food process, I translated aspects found in food into design -milky, crunchy and glazing- working with, an epoxy resin, some acrylic pigments, silicone and cork.